June 25, 2015

Letters to my Littles: June

Welcome to my monthly Letter to my Littles. After you enjoy my letter please continue on through our blog circle to see what my wonderful friend Melissa has written to her littles here. Keep reading through the circle – it’s a wonderful glimpse of motherhood from various corners of the world. This month is dedicated to my oldest little one.

Dear Caleb,

This month I am celebrating you and the things that make you an amazing kid.  It’s so hard to believe this little squishy here…

Our Caleb
Our Caleb

,,, is now this kid here…


Today is your last day of grade four… in September you will be in your last year of elementary school.  How in the world did this happen so fast?  You celebrated your tenth birthday this month.  I can’t believe it has been a decade since you made me a mom – the most incredible title I could ever be given.  The time has gone by so fast.

You are still my sweet little boy yet you have matured into the incredibly caring, empathetic, kind soul.  These last few weeks especially, you have shown maturity and bravery that has made me gasp.  A few days after your birthday, your great-grandma – my grandma, our poh-poh – lost her battle with cancer.  She passed away only a few minutes after you kissed her goodbye.  As the oldest great-grandchild, the two of you had a very special relationship.  She was so proud of everything you did.  She loved having a part in your growing up.  For four years she took care of you a few days a week while I was at work.  And you have grown to love our Sunday dinners at her house as much as I do.

Great Grandma & Grandpa Wong
Great Grandma & Grandpa Wong


But I think what she would be most proud of, is that you volunteered to speak at her service.  You wrote a little speech and you read it out in front of everyone.  You spoke with such clarity and warmth about what you loved about poh-poh, and how you are going to miss her.  Watching you deal with her death has shown me how much you have grown up.  How emotionally mature you have become.  Through your own tears, you have brought me so much comfort.  You offer me hugs and have done your best to help all of us.  I’m so proud of you.  Great-grandpa is proud of you.  Poh-poh is so proud of you.  You are an incredible boy.

Are you sure you are only ten?

Ten has brought some big responsibilities.  You have trained to be a lunch monitor at school next year.  Ten is also the age that your dad and I felt that you were mature enough to have your own ipod touch.  I love the texts you send me when you are connected to wifi.


You are loving being a Cub Scout, and have finished your second year of Cubs with an armload of badges.  You are ready to take on a leadership role in your final Cub year.  I love how much it has helped you become more confident.


You had a Minecraft Wild Play birthday party this year.  I chicken out at Wildplay.  But you… you were up in those trees ziplining with your friends, running across plank bridges and climbing ropes.  It’s hard to believe in the first five years of your life we had to work so hard at physiotherapy and occupational therapy to get you learning how to move your body through your environment without falling into things.  You used to be so scared to try things.  Now you are confident and adventurous.

IMG_7341You have a real zest for life right now.  You love to read and will read to me at bedtime.  Years ago we struggled to get you talking.  It’s amazing to hear you read passages from Harry Potter to your dad; and hear you chat about Diary of a Whimpy Kid or the Origami Yoda books.  You are always reading these days.  You are also doing incredible artwork.  Your teacher has been so impressed with you.  In fact she said it best in her write up to you in the school yearbook: ” You have the force in you Caleb”.  Indeed you do – the force is strong in you.  It is helping to lead you to do so many good things for yourself and others.


It has been my honor to watch you grow up these last 10 years.  I am looking forward to the bitter-sweetness of the next ten years.  No matter what you will always be my squishy.  The one who cuddles with me, rubs my back and tries to make things right and fair in the world.  You are a wonderful son, a patient brother, a loving grandson and great-grandson, and a true leader to your little cousins.


I love you Caleb!  I will always be your biggest supporter, your loudest cheerleader… I will always be your mom.

xo xo xo xo xo xo xo xo xo xo

1 Comment

/Letters to My Children 2015/ June

[…] head over to Ally’s blog to read her letter, then continue around the circle until you land back […]

07:19 June 25, 2015

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